Worship and Services
First and foremost, St Julian's continues to be a lively, engaged Church of England congregation. St Julian's (containing Lady Julian's Cell) is open daily from 9:00am to 6pm for prayer, reflection and visiting. Visitors are warmly invited to join us for worship and prayer at one of our daily services. Visitors are most welcome to join us at morning and evening prayer which are said at 8:30am and 6pm at St Julian's from Tuesday to Saturday, with a daily mass in our parish either at St Julian's or our sister church in the benefice, St John the Baptist, Timberhill, only a short walk away.
On Mondays and Wednesdays, visitors can experience low mass said in Julian's Cell.
For further information about services at either church, click here.
For visitors staying in our guesthouse, there is a Friday evening compline service said in our private chapel.